Have you experienced sexual harassment or abuse on campus, its environs, or events? If no, please answer and then skip to the bottom to submit. Yes No If you answered yes, which campus or location? Multiple answers can be written. What type of sexual harassment have you experienced? Check all that apply. Staring/“Elevator” eyes Being followed Obscene/sexualized comments “Hey, baby” or “Hey, sexy” comments Attempted touching/groping Being touched or groped Kissing/moaning noises Exposure of genitals Other… Enter other… How often have you experienced this sexual harassment? Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely, but more than once Did anyone help you when it happened? If yes, who? (i.e. stranger, friend, security, etc) Gender? Male Female Age Under 16 17 - 24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 - above Do you want to be contacted? Yes No What is your preferred means of contact? Telephone Email Email Confirm email Please input your email again to confirm it.